Wednesday, April 04, 2007

News Coverage

We have been getting major news coverage around here in the last couple of days. Check out these articles that were all published in MAJOR newspapers:
  • For Girls, It's Be Yourself, and Be Perfect, Too- this is all about the pressures of applying to college for high school girls, which I am all too familiar with. I know all the people who were quoted and mentioned in this article so you should definitely check it out.
  • How much school does $154.6 million buy?- This might seem funny to those of you out in the real world, but trust me, it's not as much fun to live through. Despite all of the school's problems, we have become very attached to it. It's not just any falling down old building, it's our falling down old building. I could have asked for a better place to spend these four years of my life.
  • Electives Required- It seems like we are always fighting to keep the classes that we love. They are what makes our school special. Again, I know the people featured in this article. It's a long battle, and almost all of it falls on the students.
Looking at all of this just reminds me how much I love my school and my friends. It's worth it to get to class at 7:50 every morning in a dilapidated, asbestos filled building, just to be part of Newton North.

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